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If you can't create the customer demand, discover them instead.

Updated: May 3

Not everyone is gifted as Steven Jobs who was able to manage to create a wonderful product successfully which changed the world. If you are not one of the smartest people, you can still win this combat by discovering what customers demand and follow it instead.

Find the treasure always takes time, but we try to make it easy for you so you can have peace of mind of knowing you will be head in the correct direction before you mess up with the future of your business.


Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.” - Wernher Von Braun

Google now processes over 2 trillion search queries per year, or 5.5 billion per day. That’s a whole lot of keywords! So how to stay ahead of your competition?


If you ever run a business on Amazon, you have sure learned a lot phrases such as "PPC- Pay Per Click", all of which help you know the path of the most popular keywords compares to less favorite ones. Your target should not only be finding those most frequently used keywords and use it on your product title or description, but also you need to make sure if you have done the most important homework- whether you have a product related to those keywords whatsoever?! This is something very few people really talked about but it's the fundamental principle you need to learn when stepping into this whole SEO battle.


There are a lot of tools you can use to find a best-seller product before you mess up with those unchangeable inventories later on. So you need to be really careful with which product you're going to create or source. In the end, you will learn it the hard way if you select the wrong merchandising in the beginning. Some products naturally sell very quicklty and have a large customer base, such as smartphone cables, while some products are not, such as toe rings. So you need to have an accurate reference of where to look at. I will recommend three tools that will help you find the correct direction:

Google Keyword Planner is a useful and free tool that everyone should start to use immediately. You don't need to pay for an advertisement campaign to use the service. It not only allows you to check any keyword's internal search results within Google, but also gives you a broad concept of what specific keywords related to the keyword you entered perform in terms of the likelihood of being detected by your potential customers. I will use an example of the product "hat" here. After you put "hat" in the search bar and hit "show result", "bucket hat", "beanie" and "cowboy hat" rank the top three styles in the search result, all of which have 100K-1M monthly searches! "baseball hat" is what I originally thought would sell the best, but it only turns out this keyword has 10K-100K searches each month. So if you're going to buy some hats for reselling purposes, which one do you think will sell better: beanie or baseball hat? By further refining the keywords, I bet you will harvest a lot more crucial information, such as which brands, retailers, colors are searched by most people. I'm not saying everyone should only consider the top three or five results in Google's keyword planner, but at least this will provide you a general idea of what naturally interests most people. Your business decisions should be made on top of the accurate actual date, instead of your own imagination.

2. Amazon keyword research tool

Amazon’s algorithm finds value in those ridiculously worded titles. Believe it or not, Amazon is one of the largest search engines in the world for e-commerce and general product inquiries. In fact, almost half of all product searches begin on Amazon (Emarketer). There are hundreds of Amazon keyword research service providers on the market. Some of them are free and some are not. I've tried multiple of them in the past and I have mixed feelings about these providers. In general, charged tools indeed offer better services than those free ones. But you need to do your due diligence to see if that typical monthly budget of $30-$200 fits in your budget or not. If the value it brings to the sales promoted by the data is beyond your monthly payment, I would suggest you signup for one, especially if they have a free trial period. Typically, these service providers will provide you an Amazon product database, tracker, keywords result, PPC analyzer, index checker, opportunity suggest, ranking, sales report, listing trends for the ASIN or the keyword you put in. Please compare at least 3-5 before you know which one you like the best. And don't forget to cancel those unfit ones if you don't feel it's the right timing or the service they provide is not something you're looking for during the trial.

3. Read product reviews

There are plenty of online marketplaces with reviews- Amazon, eBay, Google Shopping, Facebook, Instagram, etc. to name a few. Sometimes your best luck comes from reading those reviews as good things always come after you spend the effort to catch it. From the reviews or comments, you can easily sense what aspect the customer like or dislike about the product, or what functionalities they wish the product could carry or what improvement they wish to see. These are the true customers' appeals to the product. So to make a successful resale business, your product better fulfills the customer demands like no one else currently does. Spend the time reading, gathering and categorising, and put those needs as your high priority when sourcing will make you stand out from the crowd.

The aim of operating a business is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.


It's OK if the first batch of results returned doesn't fall in alignment with your original forecast, but what matters the most is how fast you can adjust your strategies. Look into details of what caused the sales not as promising as you predicted. Sometimes it's hard to do it correctly on your own from the beginning, and that's where we, Avero Supplies, head to- we'd love to step in and check how your business is doing and what adjustment we could make to have your sales grow as quick as possible. Do not be afraid of changing the product categories, or changing the price, or changing the way you promote your business, all these are the valuable lessons you need to learn along the road. By incorporating the correct business tools with the correct strategies, everyone would be able to be a master in your field eventually. Cheers!

We can't wait for you to share your past experience in the e-commerce business with us. Thanks for spending the time with us on this topic today and we wish you the best of luck in your business endeavor.



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